Alright, THIS is the series I would like to eventually make. You see, back in 2003 my 5 friends and I were bored in class LONG time ago, and wanted to make something we were all involved in. So, "ACB: Alien catching Bros." was the result. Yes, I know it's a dumb name, it was 6 damn years ago, and needs a new one. The 5 friends and I each had a different part in making it: The person in the picture (Ben) and I, were in charge of the artwork. The other 2 were in charge of effects and layout. Finally, the last friend was the writer (who eventually quit, which is explained below). The my friend and I (the artwork) completely re-made ACB, and now takes place in a completely different place. The writer I guess quit, because "it's too hard to keep up with you two." so he faded from the series, but is still a good friend. The other two could not focus, and through the years, also faded. The friend in the picture and I are still hanging on. We also need a new person. ATTENTION: IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BECOME PART OF THE SERIES, PLEASE PM ME. BUT YOU MUST BE RELIABLE TO STICK WITH THE SERIES. Here's a picture of the series, which is in the Beta state, because we need a third main character. Story below.
The Story Of ACB
3 young men thrive in a galaxy 1000 years from the present. Tyler Nephari (ACBGamer24) lives on the planet Aquaria. He can breathe underwater, carries double lasers as weapons, and is the mechanic of ACB. Ben Senoso lives on the planet Ervington. He carries a main laser as a weapon (bigger than Tyler's), and is the brains of the team, which means Ben comes up with our battle strategies, and new weapons. He can also can breathe underwater, but for a short time only. The third main character can have whatever name they like, and live on what planet they like (list of planets in e-mail). The enemy's name (needs new one) is Boss. He is basically the main enemy of the Avacia system (our galaxy). Other enemies live on other planets, included in the galaxy, and other galaxies. THe ACB team works with other good aliens, too. ACB is a bitof a combonation of Starfox, and loosely Star Wars (but is not a rip-off, because there are many differences). So that's basically the story. Ben has a Newgrounds, which I will put in the description later. I hope you've enjoyed reading this, and remember, it's still in the Beta area to be an animation. Peace. :]
Open up the task manager, go to processes, look for explorer.exe and end that process.
That completely shuts off everything that the computer does. My OS is XP, BTW, for those who want to know. You cannot close explorer.exe without it removing everything but your background. THX for trying.