Alright, well, ever since I've learned how to use flash, I've been hard at work non-stop with quite a few projects. I'll be posting a finished one tomorrow (or should I say in about 9 hours) so be sure to check the Flash Portal and my page. Also, I could have finished some of them sooner, but I've been trying to deal with a person on Youtube who has stolen some my videos. Youtube = Hell.
BTW, Gekson, I haven't forgotten about you. I'm almost done with the animation, I just need a voice actor to play as Kenji. I recently joined a forum site called VAC (voice acting club). My username is OddishDagger. And since most of the people on that site had anime as their avatars, I thought "why not?". So I'll be working hard on it. Take care everyone!
-Tyler "ACBGamer24" Lankford
Have you seen my latest comics yet?